100bb 6-max.
Hero is dealt
Folds to HJ/Villain, who opens to 2bb.
CO calls.
BU folds.
SB/Hero 3-bets to 14.25bb.
BB folds.
HJ calls.
CO folds.
Flop (31.5bb)
SB bets 3.15bb.
HJ calls.
Turn (37.8bb)
SB bets 18.9bb.
HJ calls.
River (75.6bb)
SB bets all-in 63.7bb.
HJ folds.

In the intricate world of poker, where strategy intertwines with psychology, a fascinating hand unfolds, reminiscent of a chess match between grandmasters. This hand is not just a mere sequence of actions; it’s a masterclass in tactical finesse, a narrative that unfolds with each card dealt, a story that reveals the depth of human cunning and calculation.
Let us embark on this journey, analyzing the hand step-by-step, much like a literary critic would dissect a classic novel.
Our protagonists are seated at the poker table. In the hijack position (HJ), the villain of our story, makes an opening move, raising the stakes to 2 big blinds (bb). This is akin to an opening gambit in chess, a move designed to seize control of the board early in the game.
The cutoff (CO) player, a secondary character in our tale, decides to call, opting for a cautious approach, much like a bystander in a duel, watching intently but not fully engaging.
The action then shifts to our hero, the player in the small blind (SB). Holding Ace of Spades (As) and King of Diamonds (Kd), our hero is armed with a formidable hand. In a bold move, reminiscent of a knight’s charge, the hero raises to 14.25bb, asserting dominance over the table.
The big blind (BB) player, sensing the mounting tension, wisely folds, stepping away from the impending showdown.
The narrative tension escalates as our villain, still in the game, chooses to call, matching our hero’s raise. The bystander, the CO player, decides discretion is the better part of valor and folds, leaving our two main characters to their fateful confrontation.
Now, the plot thickens with the arrival of the flop: As, Kd, Qd. A dramatic scene if ever there was one! The hero, now holding two pairs, bets a modest 3.15bb, a mere 10% of the pot. It’s a probing bet, a nuanced move designed to elicit information from the opponent. The villain, unfazed, calls the bet, adding another layer of intrigue to our tale.
The turn brings the Ace of Clubs (Ac), a twist in the tale that strengthens our hero’s hand, now holding a full house. Seizing the opportunity, our hero bets 18.9bb, a significant 50% of the pot. It’s a decisive move, a display of confidence meant to intimidate the opponent. Yet, the villain, enigmatic as ever, calls the bet.
Finally, the river reveals the 3 of Clubs (3c), a seemingly inconsequential card that changes nothing. Yet, in the grand scheme of our narrative, it serves as the climax. Our hero, with a flair for the dramatic, goes all-in, betting a staggering 63.7bb. It’s a bold, all-or-nothing move, the kind of grand gesture that defines heroes.
The villain, faced with this ultimate challenge, decides to fold. It’s a moment of revelation, a denouement where the hero’s audacity and skill are rewarded.
This hand is not just a series of poker moves; it’s a dance of minds, a battle of wills. It’s a reminder of how in poker, as in life, the boldest moves often reap the greatest rewards. It teaches us the art of reading our opponents, the importance of timing, and the value of courage under pressure.
The hand under scrutiny serves not just as a thrilling episode in the narrative of poker, but also as a window into the profound strategic depth of the game, especially when dissected through the lens of preflop decision-making. Each move, each call, and each raise is a cog in the intricate machinery of poker strategy, reflecting not just chance but a well-calculated plan of action.
Let’s delve into the preflop lines, where the true art of poker strategy begins to unfold.
Starting with the Hijack (HJ) position, we observe a tight opening range of approximately 23.26%. This conservatism suggests a selection of hands that balance potential strength with positional awareness. In the complex tapestry of poker, such a range often includes higher pocket pairs, strong suited connectors, and perhaps the occasional offsuit broadways. It’s a range that speaks of prudence, yet leaves room for assertive play.
The Cutoff (CO) position, on the other hand, presents a fascinating conundrum. The CO calls at a surprisingly low frequency of about 1.58%, a statistic that seems to whisper of a strategy heavily tilted towards 3-betting. Indeed, the CO continues a total of 11.61% of the time, with a significant 10.03% of hands being used for a 3-bet, which amounts to an astounding 86.4% of the continuing range. This approach underscores a preference for aggressive play, transforming the CO seat into a bastion of assertiveness. The range here is nuanced, featuring middle pocket pairs like 88-JJ, suited broadways, AQo, and sporadically, AKo and QQ.
The Small Blind (SB), our hero, enters with a squeeze range that is both calculated and audacious. This range, encompassing JJ-AA and AK for value, along with large suited broadways like QJs and AQo as semi-bluffs, is what poker aficionados might term ‘relatively merged.’ The strategy here aims to shift the game to a heads-up scenario rather than a multi-way pot. Notably, the SB calls all pocket pairs, preferring to engage in a multi-way pot given the favorable pot odds and the chance to hit a set on the flop.
When the SB executes the squeeze play, the Big Blind (BB) responds conservatively, continuing only about 3% of the time, primarily with premium hands like QQ-AA and AK, peppered with a few bluffs. Meanwhile, the HJ, facing the squeeze, continues 19.44% of the time, often resorting to 4betting minimally, and occasionally going all-in. The calling range here is led by AQs, with AA being trapped at a low frequency. Other hands like AKo, QQ, and JJ are sometimes called. Hands such as KQs, TT, and 99, while broadening the postflop possibilities, do not significantly contribute to the Expected Value (EV) for the HJ.
This intricate dance of ranges and responses illustrates how quickly the ranges tighten in this high-stakes scenario. Notably, weaker pocket pairs, particularly 22-TT, are mostly folded or redirected along different strategic paths.
The narrative of this hand truly unfolds postflop, where the plot thickens on the AsKdQd board. Here, we witness a strategic battleground where the Small Blind (SB) and Hijack (HJ) ranges clash, each seeking supremacy.
As the drama of the flop is revealed, the SB finds themselves in a position of strength, holding a substantial equity edge of 62.40%. This edge is not merely a consequence of chance but a testament to the strategic acumen exhibited in the preflop phase. The SB’s range is robust, with a majority of preflop bluffs now fortuitously connecting with the board.
Let us delve deeper into the intricacies of this moment. A significant proportion of two-pair combinations – AK, AQ, KQ – exist for both players. However, these combinations constitute nearly 40% of the SB’s range, compared to only 33% for the HJ. Furthermore, the SB’s range is augmented by the powerful sets of AA, KK, and QQ, which make up 14.5% of their range, and the straight JTs, accounting for 3.6%. In stark contrast, the HJ’s arsenal is somewhat limited, with only the set of QQ for 7.5% and no JT straight.
Emboldened by this range advantage, the SB adopts an aggressive postflop strategy. They bet almost their entire range, employing bet sizes ranging from 20% to 50% of the pot. Rarely do they use a 10% or 75% bet size, and almost never do they check. This tactic is a clear exploitation of their range advantage, pressuring the HJ to make difficult decisions.
When faced with a 20% bet size, the HJ folds at a 25% frequency, higher than the alpha frequency of 16.7%. The folding range predominantly includes underpairs lacking a backdoor flush draw. The HJ raises approximately 9% of the time, leveraging two-pair hands like AQ and AK, as well as sets of QQ and AA for value, and occasionally bluffing with underpairs like JJ and TT that have a straight draw.
As the bet size increases, so does the HJ’s folding frequency. Against a 35% bet size, all underpairs from 44 to 99 are relinquished, continuing only with JJ and TT that have a flush draw. In the face of a 50% bet, even KQ, which forms a two-pair, begins to fold under the pressure.
This stage of the hand highlights the nuanced interplay of hand ranges, bet sizing, and player tendencies. The SB’s aggressive postflop strategy, leveraging their range advantage, forces the HJ into a defensive posture, where each decision carries significant weight. The HJ’s responses, folding more against larger bet sizes and cautiously raising with a mix of value hands and bluffs, reflect a careful balancing act, seeking to navigate the treacherous waters stirred up by the SB’s aggression.
The turn card, the Ace of Clubs (Ac), dramatically transforms the landscape of our poker tableau. This card, like a twist in a well-crafted novel, reshapes the hand’s narrative, turning top two-pair hands into full houses and escalating the tension between the Small Blind (SB) and the Hijack (HJ) player.
At this juncture, the Ac elevates the HJ’s AQ and AK hands, now outmatching the previously formidable KK and QQ held by the SB. The HJ’s range becomes exceedingly polarized, featuring these newly minted full houses and straight-draw hands such as JJ and TT. In contrast, the middling hands, namely KQ and KJ, find themselves relegated to a minority within the HJ’s range, akin to secondary characters in a play overshadowed by the leads.
Given this polarized range of the HJ, the SB is presented with a strategic dilemma on how to proceed with their betting. Here, a nuanced approach is required. A smaller bet size, specifically around 10% of the pot, becomes a pivotal tactic, adopted at a high frequency of nearly 70%. This modest bet size serves a dual purpose: it denies equity to the underpairs in the HJ’s range, thwarting their aspirations for improvement, and it also incites action, provoking raises about 30% of the time.
The HJ’s response to this smaller bet is dictated by the polarized nature of their range. The raising strategy reflects this polarity, with full houses raising for value and underpairs audaciously bluffing. Such a dynamic interplay of actions underscores the complexity of post-turn betting strategies, where each decision must be carefully weighed against the opponent’s range and tendencies.
Contrastingly, if the SB were to opt for a larger bet size, say 50% of the pot as in our hand history, the dynamics shift considerably. The HJ, facing such aggression, would likely fold all underpairs and many KX holdings. This creates a quandary for the SB: by betting too large, they risk losing value from the weaker hands in the HJ’s range, which might otherwise have continued. In poker, as in any strategic endeavor, extracting value from weaker hands when holding a strong one is paramount. Overbetting can lead to these weaker hands folding, thereby forfeiting potential value.
Furthermore, on the flop and turn, considerations of equity denial come into play. A smaller bet not only pressures the opponent but also precludes them from checking back to see a free card, thereby maintaining the SB’s control over the hand.
In the final act of this poker drama, the river brings the 3 of Clubs (3c), a card that seemingly adds little to the narrative but subtly alters the strategic landscape. As we continue our analysis, focusing on the Small Blind’s (SB) decision to bet small, a 10% size, we uncover a nuanced approach that seeks to maximize value while mitigating risk.
The small bet on the river is a strategic choice that serves multiple purposes. It leverages the SB’s strong hands, such as trips, to extract value from the Hijack’s (HJ) KQ and KJ holdings, while simultaneously reducing the vulnerability to raises by full houses. This bet size is akin to a carefully placed bet in chess, where the aim is to advance one’s position while keeping the king safe.
An all-in move by the SB in this situation would starkly alter the dynamics. Facing such aggression, the HJ would likely fold weaker hands like QQ, KQ, and KJ at a high frequency, continuing only with AQ or stronger. This folding of weaker hands in response to an all-in bet starkly illustrates the principle of overbetting leading to a loss of value from weaker hands, a common pitfall in poker strategy.
However, when confronted with a 25% bet on the river, the HJ’s response is more nuanced. They are inclined to call with all QQ, KQ, and KJ hands, and raise with AQ or stronger. This response spectrum highlights the value of the SB’s smaller bet size. With a strong value hand like AK, the SB maximizes potential gains: not only does the HJ’s AQ potentially go all-in, but the SB also extracts value from the wider range of hands through calls or even bluff-raises.
In retrospect, the SB’s (Hero’s) strategy in this hand, particularly the choice to bet 50% on the turn, can be critiqued as suboptimal. This larger bet size on the turn likely led to the folding of many hands in the HJ’s range that could have continued against a smaller bet. The essence of poker strategy, especially in later streets, is to balance the maximization of value from weaker hands against the risk of losing them entirely to folds. In this instance, the SB’s aggressive bet sizing on the turn potentially forfeited value that could have been extracted from the HJ’s weaker holdings.
Moreover, the SB’s all-in bet on the river, while dramatic, may not have been the most effective strategy. Considering the HJ’s likely responses, a smaller bet would have kept a wider range of weaker hands in play, thereby increasing the SB’s chances of extracting additional value.
In conclusion, this hand serves as a quintessential example of the intricate balancing act required in poker betting strategy. It underscores the importance of carefully considering opponent ranges and potential responses at each stage of the hand. While the SB’s aggressive play may have seemed formidable, a more measured approach with smaller bet sizes could have potentially reaped greater rewards. This hand, thus, stands as a testament to the nuanced and multifaceted nature of poker strategy, where sometimes the boldest move is not always the most profitable.